Your November Horoscope Is Here!

Your November  Horoscope Is Here!

Written personally by Founder & Astrologer of Girl and Her Moon, Jordane Maree.

We’re feeling spontaneous this November! The social season is upon us, and adventure and excitement are about to be a common theme in our routines.

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8 encourages us to embrace change. With the sudden endings in this eclipse, come beautiful new beginnings and incredible opportunities. Prioritise self-care and approach life with an open mind.

November 23rd’s new moon in Sagittarius fills us with confidence and good fortune. Believe in your infinite potential and you will be guided towards endless possibilities.

See what’s in store for your star sign this month…

November begins with Eclipse Season bringing changes, growth, and transformation to your sense of self-worth, relationship with money, and feelings of security and safety.

As Mars retrogrades through your house of communication and thought, the invitation is a slower pace. This is a beautiful time for introspection, space with yourself, and reflection. This month desires to take you deep into a realm of healing and rebirth, if you so allow it.

The second half of November takes our fiery Aries into higher learning, wisdom, culture, and joy. Here we step into your season of abundance and wisdom, learning and exploration.

It’s a month of total transformation of self, Taurus.

November brings a Lunar Eclipse in your sign, which is your opportunity to release all that doesn’t serve you, all that doesn’t match your undeniable worth, and all that isn’t building towards the person you are becoming.

Towards the end of the month, the Sun moves into your 8th house of the subconscious, intimacy, mystery, and even more transformation, bringing expansion here. This is your opportunity to understand your inner workings on a much more insightful level. Meditation, hypnosis, and energy work can bring great support. Allow yourself to leave November a completely new person.

As Mars retrogrades in your sign, Gemini, November may bring a sense of slowing down. Slowing down enough to breathe deeper, to reflect, gain new insights, and look at your journey from a new perspective.

Throughout Eclipse Season, your connection to the Universe and spirituality, your health, and your habits are re-aligning to a place that is in support of your highest potential. Allow your inspiration to bring you into a deeper connection with your spirituality and with your physical health.

The end of the month highlights your relationships and brings energy for joy in connection with your loved ones, while Jupiter finishes its retrograde in your realm of career, bringing new insights and luck in work!

Allow this release, allow yourself to step out of this month a new person.

It’s a time of re-creating your relationship with joy, with your dreams, with pleasure, creativity, and with your long-term goals, Cancer. You might find your greatest hopes and wishes totally transformed throughout the month, becoming more aligned with your authentic self. Allow yourself to let go of any goals that may not resonate with who you are now.

As Sagittarius Season begins towards the end of the month, November seems to speed up, bringing healing, joy, luck, and expansion, especially through focusing on your health, habits, and routines. Your daily choices are where you will find your greatest growth this month, Cancer. Establish a routine that feeds your mind, body, and soul.

Your career, sense of purpose, home life and relationship with your family are in the midst of transformation, Leo. What does work-life balance look like to you? And how does one feed into and support the other?

New opportunities are lining up to present themselves in these areas, so allow yourself to make the space by letting go of what is no longer serving you. You are allowed to change, and your path is allowed to look different than you once expected.

Your creativity, self-expression, and playfulness with romance are where the real medicine is this month, Leo. Allow yourself to get lost in play, art, and the pursuit of pleasure.

As Mars retrogrades through your 10th house of profession and career, allow yourself the space to slow down enough to gain new perspectives, to reflect on your path, revisit any old goals, and re-align your direction if necessary. November isn’t asking you to speed ahead, rather it invites you to step back enough to see your career life in a new way.

As Eclipse Season brings total transformation to your communication, learning, spiritual beliefs, and ideas, Sagittarius Season brings November to a close by bringing a focus to your home life, your family, and healing within your lineage.

It’s an internal month, Libra. Allow yourself the space to reflect, connect with yourself, and allow the inner transformation that is taking place to unfold. November invites you to meet yourself in new ways, explore parts of your subconscious that have felt unfamiliar, and perhaps even surprise yourself with whom you are becoming.

As the Sun moves into Sagittarius towards the end of the month, the pace begins to pick up. Energy, insights, and movement all begin to swirl in your realm of communication, learning, and the world of your thoughts. This is a beautiful time for expression, course work or education, and bringing new ideas into the world.

November continues October’s themes of transformation, shedding, and rebirth, Scorpio. As Eclipse Season wants you to completely recreate who you are and how you see yourself, November also brings a Lunar Eclipse in the realms of your relationships. Who are you becoming, and how can you bring that into your closest relationships? Allow your growth to extend into your connections.

The second half of the month brings a big, beautiful light of extra energy and movement towards your income, your sense of worth, and your relationship with financial abundance. Allow yourself to explore your beliefs around value, receiving money, and your money goals.

Both October and November have been asking you to redefine your relationship with spirituality, as well as your physical health and relationship with your body.

And allow yourself to pivot in your habits and routines so that you can show up for your body, your heart, and your health on all levels in a way that you deserve. Meditation, time in silence, space alone, nourishing foods – these are November's medicine.

Towards the end of the month, the Sun moves into your sign and it is officially Sagittarius Season! Celebrate all that makes you, you. Immerse yourself in adventure, joy, philosophies, and wisdom.

November invites you to reinvent yourself through creative expression, through art, and through adding to the world in a way that honours your journey, wisdom, and personal experiences. Eclipse Season has been transforming your sense of contribution to the world, Capricorn, and this can only be met through staying true to your authentic self, through honouring your individuality and creating from your heart.

As Mars retrogrades through your 6th house, allow your pace to slow down that little bit. Allow your routines and habits to nourish you, to bring you into the present moment, and make plenty of space for reflection, as there are new insights and perspectives waiting within to be discovered.

November asks you to get in touch with your roots, Aquarius, with all those that came before you, with your family, with your culture, your ancestry and lineage. How can you honour where you have come from, so that it may anchor you into the life you are creating.

Allow your heritage and roots to ground you into the Earth while you dream bigger for yourself, especially in your career and work life. Transformation and growth await you in your professional life – where are you being called to next?

As the month continues with the Sun and new Moon in your 11th house, that invitation to dream becomes even bigger. Explore your greatest wishes and visualise a life for yourself unbound by limitations. Luck is on your side and asking you to manifest your goals.

Your belief systems are ready to be renewed, Pisces. What once allowed you to make sense of the world may be too small for your magical self now. Allow yourself to explore new ideas, possibilities, and beliefs that make you feel expansive. Journaling, EFT tapping, or learning about new philosophies and cultures will be deeply nourishing this month.

A new Moon and the Sun highlight your realm of work, career, and profession as November continues. This is a beautiful time to reflect on new ways to present yourself in your career, allow any new pathways to present themselves, or set intentions for your work goals.

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